
This session is part of BGA24

Session Leader(s)

Wise Ancestors

  • Solenne Correard


Wise Ancestors is a non-profit organization, affiliated to the EBP, braiding biotechnology, Indigenous science, and Traditional Ecological Knowledge to conserve biodiversity. Its model relies on a decentralized and collaborative system, where projects, co-developed with local scientists and / or IPLCs, are then posted on an online platform to identify collaborators and work together.

The session will be split in two parts:

  • The first part will be a lecture format about Wise Ancestors model. I’ll explain, using real examples, how we are co-developing the projects with local scientists and / or IPLCs, the relationship building and the identification of the technical steps required to perform the project (such as generating a de-novo assembly for an endangered bird).

  • The second part will be interactive. I will introduce the Wise Ancestors platform, which is the online platform where we publish the projects, raise funds and identify collaborators who can perform the technical work (labs, sequencing facilities, biobanks, etc). You will be able to create your or your institution account, browse through the existing challenges and potentially apply to take part of this joined endeavor of protecting biodiversity.


No prerequisites required