What is this?
This page describes the 6-Part standards of the EBP, each of which are written and backed by a committee of partners interested in or are experts in the topic/field.
Analysis of genomic data both comparative genomics and lineage specific analyses: BGA Sessions On EBP Analysis Standards
Specific Taxonomic Challenges and Scientific Questions
Each taxonomic group in the great web of life has it’s own secrets and challenges. Here is a list of some of questions being asked as well as some of the groups actively researching them.
Plants and Algae
Patterns of ancient whole-genome duplication
Patterns of fractionation following whole-genome duplication
Gene family expansion/contraction/gain/loss
Repeat characterization and evolution
Patterns of reticulation
Syntenic relationships among species
Conservation and population genetics
Genome evolution – particularly for very large and very small genomes
Adaptation and genotype-phenotype relationships
Signatures of domestication
Conservation and population genetics
Genome evolution
Adaptation/Convergent evolution
Annotation of the human genome