
This session may now be out of date so beware!!!

This session is part of BGA23

Session Leader(s)

Delphine Lariviere
Galaxy Team, Nekrutenko Lab,
The Pennsylvania State University


Open in Gitpod GitHub:: https://github.com/BGAcademy23/vgpgalaxy

This session may now be out of date so beware!!!

This session will start with a short overview of the data used in the Vertebrate Genome Project (VGP), and the pipeline developed by the collaboration VGP-Galaxy for the production of high-quality genome assembly. It will be followed but a hands-on assembly on real data in Galaxy. By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  1. Perform a genome Assembly in Galaxy
  2. Evaluate the quality of your genome


  1. Understand the terms genome assembly, reads, contigs, phasing, haplotype, k-mers
  2. Knowledge of genome assembly steps: contigging, scaffolding, QC
  3. Create a user account on usegalaxy.org

!!! warning "Please make sure you MEET THE PREREQUISITES and READ THE DESCRIPTION above"

You will get the most out of this session if you meet the prerequisites above.

Please also read the description carefully to see if this session is relevant to you.

If you don’t meet the prerequisites or change your mind based on the description or are no longer available at the session time, please email tol-training at sanger.ac.uk to cancel your slot so that someone else on the waitlist might attend.