
THIS IS ARCHIVED. BGA23 stands for BGA 2023!

This is simply here for posterity.

Is this free?
Yes, bioinformatics tool and resource developers as well as Earth Biogenome Project (EBP) members worldwide are volunteering their time in the spirit of the EBP.

How long will a session be?
Typically 1 hour, but a few may be 2 hours.

Do I need to attend all sessions?
No, you can attend as many sessions as you like.

Sounds great! Where do I register?
Registrations are now open (as of 28th July, 2023) at sessions so bookmark this site, follow our socials, or sign up for our mailing list to be the first to be informed when more sessions are added.

Will registration be restricted?
Yes, because we aim to have highly interactive sessions. We are aiming for ~30 participants per session. If many more people are interested in a particular session, session leaders may choose to offer a webinar format where participant inputs are limited to text, rather than audio and video.

Will you use Zoom or Teams or Meet or…?
We will be using Zoom and will provide all details closer to the event to registered participants.

How will the community exist outside of the sessions?
We will encourage participants to sign up to and use the existing community platforms for each tool. For the live sessions we will use Discord for synchronous discussions and will provide all details on registration as above.

Will I need a powerful computer to participate?
No, all you will need are a desktop browser and a GitHub account, as we will use Gitpod.io for sessions that need a linux command line.

Will sessions be spread/repeated across time zones?
Yes, sessions will be repeated at least once across time zones, either live or as a recording (with the opportunity to ask additional questions)

Will there be assessment/self-assessment?
No, these are not formal courses. They are opportunities to learn from the developers and experts in an informal and interactive setting.

Do I get a certificate?
No. See above.

Who is organising this?
The Tree of Life Programme at the Wellcome Sanger Institute in Cambridge, UK is the main host of Biodiversity Genomics Academy 2023. Please contact Sujai Kumar if you have any questions or suggestions.