Join us between October 1st - 26th
If you have any burning questions or suggestions message me at damon[@]
BGA is a series of free, open to all, online-only, short and interactive sessions on how to use the bioinformatics tools and approaches that underpin the Earth BioGenome Project and the field as a whole.
Find out more about our sessions!
Sign up to attend here:
If you already know you want to be a session leader then this is the form for you:
Graph Updated 12/09/2024 @ 11:00amWhat is The BGA?
BGA was started with BGA23, found here on the original site; however, going forward this will be the go to site for all things BGA! All workshops, talks and guides will be directed to and from here, acting as the central point in the education of bioinformaticians worldwide!
BGA23 was the test bed, the team (the one man team at the time, Sujai Kumar) aimed for 20 workshops and ~20 participants each. This culminated in >40 workshops with >1500 attendees. Simply amazing!
What about BG?
BGA works hand in hand with the BioDiversity Genomics (BG) conference (28th October - 1st November).
At BG you can join thousands of researchers worldwide and hear all the latest findings and ideas as we strive to complete the goals of the Earth BioGenome Project: “sequencing life for the future of life”.
The meeting will be a mix of sessions with invited talks, including keynote presentations, and open sessions proposed by researchers around the world. There will be a focus on regional initiatives and on the global drive to ensure equity and justice in biodiversity sequencing.
Social Media
You can find us on social media at:
Email me: damon[@]
Twitter / X : @TheBGAcademy
YouTube: @thebiodiversitygenomicsacademy
Old YouTube: @BGAcademy23
GitHub: thebgacademy
Also Checkout: The BioDiversity Genomics Conference
Link to original