About BGA

Why is BGA happening?

Bioinformatics is a very large subject, one which has a very legitimate shortage of students skilled in programming / biology and general data comprehension (UK Parliament Brief. 2020). As i’m writing this, in February 2024, there are projects across the globe starting up that need people skilled in investigating data, whether biological or not.

Frankly put, the education system (especially in the United Kingdom) has been too slow to react (especially as the shortage has been known about since at least 1999! MacLean, M. 1999). So here we are, with the belief that education should be Free, Open and Fair.

We have the knowledge so let’s share it.

What can I do to help out?

You can help out by simply spreading the word. The more people we can get involved and viewing means we get the funding to expand as a Free and Open Educational resource.

You can volunteer to be a session leader too, bringing your own work to an international audience. This will benefit you too, as this can help get your work known and create a discourse between users and the developer. It might even help you improve your software / docs (I know it did with my own talk on TreeVal!).

In essence, you can help just by being there!

How is the site built?

The site is built with Quartz, using Obsidian. A fantastic markdown note-taking app.