
THIS IS ARCHIVED. BGA23 stands for BGA 2023!

This is simply here for posterity.

Planned Sessions

Scheduled sessions are now open for registration. New sessions and repeated sessions will be added to this page, so please keep checking back or sign up to be emailed when new/repeat sessions become available.

Detailed session contents will be added over time at this site. Instructions for joining each session will be sent to registered participants.

If there are 2 time slots available for a session, pick the one you can attend more conveniently in your time zone.

"2023-09-20 Update"

Zoom Link Click it to join the session. All times are in UTC/GMT and have a link which will add the event to your own preferred calendar in your time zone with the zoom link

Please join Discord as zoom chats will be disabled. By now everyone should be on Discord, but if you’re not, email contact [at] bga23 dot org for a link.

Please sign up for a Gitpod account if the title below says GITPOD - instructions at gitpod

Session recordings at youtube.com/@BGAcademy23. Some may take a day or two because YouTube takes time to provide an editable/edited version

TitleSession LeaderDate and Time in UTC/GMT
Checking for cobionts in public genomes using BlobToolKitSujai Kumar4 Sep 08:00-09:00
4 Sep 20:00-21:00
11 Sep 17:00-18:00
The TreeVal Pipeline: Generating evidence for manual curation - GITPODGenome Reference Informatics Team, Sanger8 Sep 11:00-13:00
18 Sep 11:00-13:00
Assembling Mitogenomes from PacBio HiFi reads using MitoHiFi - GITPODMarcela Uliano-Silva8 Sep 13:00-15:00
Visualising genome assembly cobionts by running BlobToolKit locally - GITPODSujai Kumar, Rich Challis11 Sep 08:00-09:00
11 Sep 20:00-21:00
Understanding k-mers and ploidy using Smudgeplot - GITPODKamil Jaron12 Sep 14:00-16:00
Starting a comparative genome study from CNGBdb: datasets, analysis platform, and spatial transcriptomics databaseXiaofeng Wei13 Sep 09:00-11:00
Searching and Downloading Genome Data using NCBI Datasets - GITPODNuala O’Leary, Mirian T. N. Tsuchiya, Eric Cox14 Sep 17:00-18:00
Compare whole genome assembly alignments using NCBI’s Comparative Genome Viewer (CGV)Sanjida Rangwala14 Sep 18:00-19:00
Genome profiling using Genomescope - GITPODLucĂ­a Campos-DomĂ­nguez, Kamil Jaron15 Sep 09:00-11:00
Introduction to Manual Curation - HiC and JBrowse - GITPODGenome Reference Informatics Team, Sanger15 Sep 11:00-13:00
19 Sep 11:00-13:00
OMA and OMArk for homology exploration and gene annotation quality control - GITPODYannis Nevers, Sina Majidian15 Sep 16:00-18:00
21 Sep 08:00-10:00
Introduction to NextFlow for Genomics - GITPODSolenne Correard19 Sep 19:00-21:00
20 Sep 23:00-01:00
26 Sep 16:00-18:00
BUSCO - from QC to gene prediction and phylogenomics - GITPODRob Waterhouse20 Sep 08:00-10:00
20 Sep 17:00-19:00
Classifying Transposable Elements with Earl Grey TE - GITPODTobias Baril21 Sep 12:00-14:00
Assembling Genomes with the VGP-Galaxy PipelineDelphine Lariviere21 Sep 17:00-19:00
Pangenome Assembly and Assessment using Minigraph and Bandage - GITPODZachary Cohen21 Sep 20:00-22:00
Gene prediction with BRAKER3 - GITPODKatharina Hoff22 Sep 08:00-10:00
25 Sep 12:00-14:00
Gfastar: a tool suite to assist genome assembly - GITPODGiulio Formenti, Cassidy Johnson22 Sep 14:00-16:00
Scalable telomere-to-telomere assembly with hifiasm - GITPODHaoyu Cheng22 Sep 17:00-18:00
ENA Standards and Submission - GITPODMaira Ihsan25 Sep 09:00-11:00
26 Sep 18:00-20:00
Querying genome metadata and sequencing projects using GoaTCibele Sotero-Caio6 Sep 16:00-18:00
25 Sep 15:00-17:00
ENA data retrieval and EMBL-EBI’s Biodiversity PortalsAlexey Sokolov, Joana Pauperio26 Sep 09:00-10:00
27 Sep 18:00-19:00
Assess genome assemblies with Merqury - GITPODArang Rhie26 Sep 12:00-14:00
28 Sep 20:00-22:00
EASEL (Efficient, Accurate, Scalable Eukaryotic modeLs): software for eukaryotic structural and functional genome annotationJill Wegrzyn, Cynthia Webster, Vidya Vuruputoor, Karl Fetter27 Sep 13:00-15:00
29 Sep 03:00-05:00
Annotating genomes the Ensembl way: General Concepts and Background + A Case study: Annotating Fungal Genomes - The Challenges!Leanne Haggerty, José G Pérez-Silva28 Sep 12:00-14:00
Annotating genomes the Ensembl way: Hands-on - From RNAseq reads to gene models - GITPODLeanne Haggerty, José G Pérez-Silva28 Sep 14:00-16:00
Aligning whole genomes using Cactus - GITPODChiara Bortoluzzi, Thiago A.L. Genez29 Sep 16:00-18:00

Proposed Sessions

Planning for Biodiversity Genomics Academy is over for this year.

However, the need for these types of sessions will not go away. If you want to volunteer to present future sessions like the ones above, or the proposed sessions below, or any others, please email contact [at] bga23.org.

Introduction to HiFi data (theory and practice)
Introduction to Hi-C data (theory and practice)
Introduction to Nanopore data (theory and practice)
Quality control of raw genomic data
Purging haplotypic duplication from assemblies (theory and practice)
YAHS and Hi-C scaffolding
Verkko: telomere-to-telomere assembly of diploid chromosomes
Using OrthoFinder to find orthologs across genomes
Using the Telomere Identification toolKit (tidk)
Using the Organelle Assembly ToolKit (oatk)